There have been many great rivalries throughout history, but nothing gets folks more fired up than a food-focused debate. To be honest, I still shutter thinking about the drama that unfolded after a r...
Even if your formal lessons about how the body works stopped after tenth grade biology, there's a good chance that you've at least heard about endorphins and the blissful feelings they're known to ev...
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can really take the joy out of your favorite meal—but the symptoms you suffer through depend on which of the four types of IBS you’re dealing with. From uncomfortable b...
Oils are fats in liquid form at room temperature. While they are found in a variety of foods - such as nuts, fish, avocado, and olives - cooking oils are one of the most common forms of oil ...
Prized by the Aztecs and Maya for their ability to provide long-lasting energy, chia seeds have long been used as a superfood. Native to Mexico and Guatemala, chia seeds are related to mint and come f...
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