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Cento Artichoke HeartsQuartered & Marinated (12x6Oz)

  • Brand: Cento
  • Product Code: Artichoke HeartsQuartered & Marinated
  • Availability: In Stock


  • Product of Spain
  • Packed Fresh from the Field in Water, Oil, Vinegar, & Spices
  • Premium Quality - Quartered & Marinated
  • Excellent Addition to any Antipasto, Salad, Pizza or Pasta

Product description

Cento Quartered & Marinated Artichoke Hearts deliver exceptional flavor because they are packed

fresh from the field in a water, oil, vinegar and spice mixture to enhance their natural taste.

Premium quality quartered and marinated artichokes, they are an excellent

addition to any antipasto, salad, or pizza.

Product details

  • Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds

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